
sysspeed — Sets the system clockspeed


sysspeed [speed]



system speed in MHz, a integer number is required and the MHz units should be omitted.


Displays possible speeds with no parameters or sets the system speed in MHz.

Example 9.14. Using the syspeed command on a EB2410ITX

This shows the sysspeed command being used to list possible values with the * indicating the current selected speed. The speed is changed to 226 MHz from 266MHz and redisplayed.

    34 MHz        45 MHz        51 MHz        48 MHz        56 MHz
    68 MHz        79 MHz        85 MHz        90 MHz       101 MHz
   113 MHz       118 MHz       124 MHz       135 MHz       147 MHz
   152 MHz       158 MHz       170 MHz       180 MHz       186 MHz
   192 MHz       203 MHz       210 MHz       226 MHz    *  266 MHz
   268 MHz       270 MHz
>sysspeed 226
Setting CPU Speed to 226MHz
CPU Speed successfully changed
    34 MHz        45 MHz        51 MHz        48 MHz        56 MHz
    68 MHz        79 MHz        85 MHz        90 MHz       101 MHz
   113 MHz       118 MHz       124 MHz       135 MHz       147 MHz
   152 MHz       158 MHz       170 MHz       180 MHz       186 MHz
   192 MHz       203 MHz       210 MHz    *  226 MHz       266 MHz
   268 MHz       270 MHz