ABLE Application README - i2c-wr ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Summary The `i2c-wr' tool is used to write to an I2C device. Usage > i2c-wr [--help] [--bus ] ... Example To write a byte of data to the first register in a simtec power management unit you can execute: > i2c-wr 0x6b 0x00 0x01 Options The --help option displays a short help message and exits. The --bus option allows the specification of which I2C bus to use if several are available on a system. This parameter defaults to the first bus (0). The addr parameter is the 7bit I2C bus address to read from The value parameter may be repeated for each value to be written, at least one value must be given, an empty write is not permitted. See also i2c-rd i2c-scan brand blank Copyright The `i2c-wr' tool and all associated documentation is Copyright 2006 Simtec Electronics