2.1. Main Menu

The main menu

         p - print current table
         d - delete partition
         e - edit partition
         x - extend table (add new partititon)
         s - shorten table (remove last partition)
         w - write table to flash
         q - quit

is the root for all other operations.

This menu is indicated by its "main>" prompt. As on all menus the "h" will redisplay all the commands available.

The "q" command will quit the program and return to ABLE.

The "p" command will print the current table, this table will not be written to the flash device until the "w" command is used.

The "d" command will prompt for a partition number and remove it from the table, this command returns to the main menu.

Example 2.3. Removing a partition from a FIS table

main> p
Partitions (3 of 16):
 00: 0x00000000 -> 00080000: ABLE
 01: 0x00000000 -> 00000000: Partition Marker
 02: 0x00080000 -> 00080000: Unused 2

Free space:
  0x00080000 -> 0x001ff000 (0x0017f000 bytes)
main> d
Which partition to delete (0-2) ?2
free_space: could not find allocated area 0x00080000->0x00080000
Deleted entry
main> p
Partitions (3 of 16):
 00: 0x00000000 -> 00080000: ABLE
 01: 0x00000000 -> 00000000: Partition Marker
 02: 0x00000000 -> 00000000: Unused 2

Free space:
  0x00080000 -> 0x001ff000 (0x0017f000 bytes)

The "e" command will prompt for a partition number to edit and change to the Section 2.2, “Edit Menu”

Example 2.4. Adding and Editing a FIS table partition

main> x
Adding partition 2
main> p
Partitions (3 of 16):
 00: 0x00000000 -> 00080000: ABLE
 01: 0x00000000 -> 00000000: Partition Marker
 02: 0x00080000 -> 00080000: Unused 2

Free space:
  0x00080000 -> 0x001ff000 (0x0017f000 bytes)
main> e
Which partition to edit (0-2) ?2
Partition 2:
         Name                 = Unused 2
         Flash Address        = 0x00080000
         Flash Length         = 0x00000000
         Data Execution Base  = 0x00000000
         Data Execution Entry = 0x00000000
         Data Length          = 0x00000000

Edit commands:

         n - edit name
         p - edit position in flash
         d - edit data-length
         b - edit execution base
         e - edit execution address
         r - return to main menu
         s - show parition information again
         h - print this help message
edit 2>

The "x" command will add a new partition in the next available numerical partition number.

Example 2.5. Adding partition to FIS table

main> p
Partitions (2 of 16):
 00: 0x00000000 -> 00080000: ABLE
 01: 0x00000000 -> 00000000: Partition Marker

Free space:
  0x00080000 -> 0x001ff000 (0x0017f000 bytes)
main> x
Adding partition 2
main> p
Partitions (3 of 16):
 00: 0x00000000 -> 00080000: ABLE
 01: 0x00000000 -> 00000000: Partition Marker
 02: 0x00080000 -> 00080000: Unused 2

Free space:
  0x00080000 -> 0x001ff000 (0x0017f000 bytes)

The "s" command will remove the last partition in the table.

Example 2.6. Shortening a FIS table

main> p
Partitions (3 of 16):
 00: 0x00000000 -> 00080000: ABLE
 01: 0x00000000 -> 00000000: Partition Marker
 02: 0x00000000 -> 00000000: Unused 2

Free space:
  0x00080000 -> 0x001ff000 (0x0017f000 bytes)
main> s
free_space: could not find allocated area 0x00000000->0x00000000
main> p
Partitions (2 of 16):
 00: 0x00000000 -> 00080000: ABLE
 01: 0x00000000 -> 00000000: Partition Marker

Free space:
  0x00080000 -> 0x001ff000 (0x0017f000 bytes)

The "w" will write the current partition table to the flash. ABLE will not re-read these changes until the system is reset.

Example 2.7. Writing current FIS partition table

main> w
Writing new FIS table to flash
Erasing device: . done
Writing data: . done
Verifying data: . done
Done. Changes will not take effect until next reset